In response to recent times, the traditional New York avenue is transformed. The streetscape we are so familiar with has a new order, welcoming developing and future technologies. Dedicated lanes are assigned for deliveries, first responders, construction and city maintenance, electric bus services and trams, shared mobility vehicles, cyclists, and joggers, providing a safe, efficient, and enjoyable experience for all. The pedestrian public way is elevated with the main entrance to existing and new buildings occurring at the second level. With the reduction of brick and mortar retail, the first floor of existing buildings is re-used to provide spacious depots for the delivery of goods and services. Below ground levels become spaces for long term storage of non-perishables, medical equipment, and emergency supplies. Server hubs occupy the lowest floors, ensuring each building and its tenants have the most up-to-date technology and internet speeds.

The focus is health and wellbeing for the city dweller. Zoning laws are revised to make way for building forms that are driven by light and access to fresh air and nature. All urban dwellers have their own or, shared outdoor space. Existing building’s roof decks become urban farms providing fresh produce for the city. The typical office building follows a similar form with extensions to the outside provided at each level. Office floors are more flexible, with spaces stretching to the outdoor in times when social distancing is required.

The Subway is dedicated to essential workers and medical requirements in times of an emergency. Subway trains are transformed to safe havens for the transport of essential medical supplies and hospital staff. At the height of health scares, several train cabs on each line are converted to treatment and testing facilities for the very ill and vulnerable.

Lastly, a new layer of circulation occurs where extensions from the main pedestrian thoroughfare become meandering organic paths through elevated garden pads. Here, small gatherings can safely take place. A network of these pads traverses the cityscape, providing rich visual connections to all activity whilst maintaining the ability to keep a distance.