DXA studio partners Jordan Rogove and Wayne Norbeck joined forces with LiV-Connected in
2019, along with Dr. Herb Rogove a physician/ entrepreneur who founded and lead C3O
Telemedicine and the Director of Virginia Tech’s Center for Design Research, Joe Wheeler, who has been leading cutting edge research into areas of smart construction and in utilizing
electronic technologies to advance concepts for “aging in place” and universal design.

LiV-Connected focuses on how we build and how we live, imaging a future of greater independence and dignity through health focused, modular construction. Smart technologies integrated into the modular cartridges create a framework for a residential experience where your health and wellbeing are continually monitored. By designing for the most vulnerable of our population, we are able to benefit all users with spaces that are effortless & safe, with instantly accessible communication with physicians.

Aging in place is about independence. Technology Integrated throughout residences provide real time assessments of residents’ biometric data, and are capable of alerting them to a problem before it may be apparent, and can contact emergency medical providers should
a slip or fall be detected, or residents become unresponsive.

Cartridge based modular construction is a new way of building. Their smaller size and
more easily transportable packaging allows easier construction, installation, modification
and application between different systems. Construction takes place in a controlled
environment, not in the field, meaning better craftsmanship, and less expensive labor
outside metropolitan areas. The difference in cost allows for a system of sensors that monitor
weight, breathing, heart rate, time sleeping, and other important biometric data can be built in, and for shipping and installation to the site.